Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Web Evaluation

Hyper Text Mark-up Language or HTML is a mark-up language for web pages. It is used to create text, headings, images, videos, links and other items. HTML is written as HTML elements containing “tags”. An example of an element is the “title element” it represents the title of a web page. Other elements are void elements, raw text and normal elements.
My website is based on the Xbox 360 and PC games Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. Coding my website was not easy until I got use to it after a few weeks. For the first two weeks I did not do anything for my website because coding was hard for me so I experimented with the coding in Dream weaver until I could do it. I used Dream weaver to make my web site because it was easy to use. The second week I started to do research on the games. Three weeks in I started to plan out my site.
It started out with text down the side and a Left 4 Dead background but I was unsure how to put in a background. I decided to get rid of the background idea and replaced it with a title at the top, pictures at the left side and text at the right. The writing down the side stayed as the menu to the hyper linked pages. Adding pictures to it was easy.
The other pages are basic and are similar to each other. The pages consist of pictures and text. The pictures are at the left side and the text underneath. The pictures relate to what page it is for example the first page links to the characters of Left 4 Dead. On the page are pictures of the characters followed by text. The text tells you about the characters such as their name, who they are, what they did before the apocalypse, how they are viewed by other characters and relationship with the others. And has an extra page on Francis showing his list of hates he mentions in the game.
It is like this for all the pages. The infected page shows the list of infected, what they can do, an easy way to beat them and how to make it worst. The weapons page shows all the weapons and tells what they are called, the range to best use them at and the damage they can do. Medical show the types of medical items you can find. During the design of the site it decided to add an extra page on Francis’ called list of hates it is a list of things Francis says he hates in the game.
The names of the page needed HTML coding for the borders around them. I used a simple code
Border: thin solid colour black.
Also the titles for the pages needed HTML for colour changes and text changing and font size. I used different colours and text.
Font-family: cracked;
Font-size: 24px;
Font-weight: bold;
Colour: red;
Using this method of coding for each title then just changing the text and colour
I think my site turned out good the pictures work, the hyper link to the other pages work and I am proud of the way it worked out even after some set backs.
I am disappointed that I could not do my site, as I wanted it in the original design I had to not add backgrounds and add no music making my site plain and simple.
Challenges I faced when making my game were choosing the right pictures, I had to search for all the characters and all the different types of infected and most of the time a pictures that I wanted to use would not work or it came out blurred. Next challenge was the text I always kept on doing research to make sure that everything I put was right the characters names, personal info and the infected powers. Other challenges were the coding for the back ground, sound effects, music, and animated gifs. The final challenge was finding Francis’s (one of the characters) lists of hates.

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