Monday, 29 December 2008
Reality T.V.
Reality T.V. is a programme that is unscripted and follows actual “real life” events as they unfold. Usually involving members of the public or groups.
What does it require?
Official permission to film on private property or with a particular organisation or a person. For it to be popular the show must have information that will catch the public’s attention, and a channel to broadcast it on (BBC or ITV)
What is reality T.V genre?
Reality television is a genre of television which presents purportedly unscripted, dramatic or humorous situations, documents and actual events and featured ordinary people instead of actors.
Different types:
Special living environment;
People place cast members in artificial living environment. “The Real World” is the originator of this style. Big brother is the best example of this.
A subset fly-on-the-wall show that involves celebrities often about their every day life style such as “The Osborne’s” and “Hogan knows best”
Professional activities:
Documentary shows portraying or going about day-to-day business or a project over a period of time for example “COPS” “Deadliest Catch” “Air Port”
Elimination/game shows:
Another type is “reality completion” reality game shows in which participants are filmed competing to win a prize often while living together in a confined environment. An example of this is “Deal or no Deal” “The Weakest Link”
These are small reality shows such as “fear factor” or “MTV’s fear” these are shows in which people are placed in a situation or place aimed at generating fear, fright or panic.
Has reality T.V changed television for the better or worst?
I think that reality T.V has neither worsened nor improved television. Because there are reality shows that are not entertaining, not worth watching and are just silly so putting them T.V is useless and a waste of money but they can be purely for entertainment like “Whacked out Sports”. Other shows like “nature shock” are for entertainment and viewers can learn from the programme but some people might not be interested in these types of shows
Pirates of the Caribbean

I have chosen this image of ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ because it makes the film look interesting. It is interesting because of the way it is laid out. You have got the main characters in a V shape at the top, the light is on the face, and they are staring at you intensely and are set out so the person in the middle is who the story is going to revolve around, the character with the skull could be the villain and the man and woman at the left could mean that there is a romance also The main character is in the middle with a pistol and a sword. There is a good use of colour, the writing is on a scroll and is written in an old fashioned way meaning that it is set in an old era like the 1800’s. There are skulls, burning ships and pirates in the background so it is setting a scene of what the film may contain.
The magic lantern is the ancestor to the modern slide projector it was created in 1671. It has been used to entertain and to educate for hundreds of years. It projected small dimly lit images.
The Thaumatrope:
The Thaumatrope was a very popular toy in the victory era it was created in 1824. Basically all it was, was a piece of card or paper with two different images on each side and with two pieces of string on the ends and when it was spun at a fast pace the images looked like one. The Modern Greek word for the Thaumatrope means “wonder turner”
The Zoetrope:
The Zoetrope is a cylinder with vertical slits down the sides and beneath them were pictures of individual images shows different movements it was made in 1834. And when spun at a fast speed a person looks through the slits pictures appear to be moving. The word Zoetrope means “wheel of life”
The flipbook:
The flipbook is pieces of paper stuck together at the top with a series of pictures each with individual movements so that when the pages are flipped rapidly the images appear to be animated. They rely on persistence of vision. It was first done in 1868. Rather than the viewer reading left to right the viewer stares at the same location.
The Praxinoscope:
The Praxinoscope was the successor to the Zoetrope it was invented in 1877. It used a cylinder with pictures on the inner surface of the cylinder. It replaced the slits with an inner circle of mirrors, so that the reflection of the images appears more stationary in position. So that when the person looked into the mirrors they would see a succession of images producing motion. The word comes from the Greek meaning “action viewer”
The Phenakistoscope:
The Phenakistoscope is the predecessor of the Zoetrope. It was invented in 1831. It was a disc mounted vertically on a handle around the disc pictures were drawn that were corresponding to frames of animation. The disc was spun and the viewer would look through the moving slits and look at the disc’s reflection in a mirror. The word comes from the Greek word “to cheat” at it deceives the eye in to thinking that the pictures are moving.
history of animation

The magic lantern is the ancestor to the modern slide projector it was created in 1671. It has been used to entertain and to educate for hundreds of years. It projected small dimly lit images.
The Thaumatrope was a very popular toy in the victory era it was created in 1824. Basically all it was, was a piece of card or paper with two different images on each side and with two pieces of string on the ends and when it was spun at a fast pace the images looked like one. The Modern Greek word for the Thaumatrope means “wonder turner”

The Zoetrope:
The Zoetrope is a cylinder with vertical slits down the sides and beneath them were pictures of individual images shows different movements it was made in 1834. And when spun at a fast speed a person looks through the slits pictures appear to be moving. The word Zoetrope means “wheel of life”
The flipbook:
The flipbook is pieces of paper stuck together at the top with a series of pictures each with individual movements so that when the pages are flipped rapidly the images appear to be animated. They rely on persistence of vision. It was first done in 1868. Rather than the viewer reading left to right the viewer stares at the same location.
The Praxinoscope:
The Praxinoscope was the successor to the Zoetrope it was invented in 1877. It used a cylinder with pictures on the inner surface of the cylinder. It replaced the slits with an inner circle of mirrors, so that the reflection of the images appears more stationary in position. So that when the person looked into the mirrors they would see a succession of images producing motion. The word comes from the Greek meaning “action viewer”
The Phenakistoscope:
The Phenakistoscope is the predecessor of the Zoetrope. It was invented in 1831. It was a disc mounted vertically on a handle around the disc pictures were drawn that were corresponding to frames of animation. The disc was spun and the viewer would look through the moving slits and look at the disc’s reflection in a mirror. The word comes from the Greek word “to cheat” at it deceives the eye in to thinking that the pictures are moving.
online game report
Trauma centre:
The genres for the game are surgical simulation, puzzle and visual novel
Resident evil 4:
The genres for the game are third person shooter, action, adventure and survival horror
I think that the there are no similarities between the two games genres
Trauma centre:
The story is in the year 2018 mankind has over come a number of diseases once thought incurable. Cancer, AIDS and TFTA are nearly a thing of the past. How ever a new plague has emerged to threaten humanity its called GUILT (Gangliated Utrophin Immuno Latencey Toxin)
Resident evil 4:
The story is Leon Kennedy a US agent his mission is to find the presidents kidnapped daughter. His mission leads him to a mysterious town in Europe where the locals who appear to have gone insane suddenly attack him. Leon must survive long enough to rescue Ashley and solve the mystery behind the villager’s madness.
The games stories I think the only similarity is the fact that the people in the game are infected by an unknown disease and that it can infect other people
Trauma centre:
The goals in the game are to cure the world’s most “untreatable” diseases. Find out who is the creator of the “GUILT” and master the healing touch.
Resident evil 4:
The goals in the game are stay alive long enough to rescue Ashley (several times) figure out the mystery behind the people’s madness and who is behind the kidnapping.
The games goals are similar in a way because you have to find out who has created the illness and who infected the people.
Trauma centre:
Player/non-player characters. There are many characters in the game but you can only play one main character called Dr. Derek Stiles he is a young surgeon wanting to cure every “incurable” disease. Then there are the non-playable main characters surgical assistant Mary Futon she works as Derek’s Assistant until she transfers. Nurse Angie Thompson she is trained to be Mary’s replacement. Senior surgeon Greg Kasal he is the manager of the office for all intents and purposes. Robert Hoffman he once was a doctor but quit he is now the director.
Resident evil 4:
There are two main characters that you play during the main game but some other characters can become playable during a mini-mission. Leon Kennedy is the protagonist and main playable character he is assinged to rescu the Presidents daughter Ashley. Ashley Graham is th other main character she becomes a playable charater only in certain parts of the game if you are Leon you can also give her commands such as “wait!” and “follow me.” Ada Wong is a non-playable character in the main game sh just helps Leom from time to time sh becomes a playable character in a short side mission called “assignment Ada.” Osmund Saddler is the primary antagonist in the game and is responsible for Ashley’s kidnapping.
Between the two’s games charaters I think that there is no similarities between the two.
Trauma center:
Sound and music. The music fits the situation changes if its in a tence operation or a period where you are taking a breather aftr a successful operation. Voice over work is non-exitent out side of the usual “ready?” “doctor!” “what the…?” “what are you doing!?” “Derek!” that tak place during operations.
Resident evil 4:
The resident evil style is usually in complete silence. Instead of music all the time you hear background noises birds squaking, branches snapping and paper blowing but as soon as an enemy sees the main character loud dramatic music kicks in. in the stressful situation of trying not to die the music creates a feeling of tension and gets the heart pumping as well as the enviromental sounds and noises your enemies are making the traditional low moaning, creepy chanting and yells of the enemy calling for back up. Some sound effects are in the game to try and freak the player out.
I would say that the similarities of the two games sounds were how the music changes in certain situations from quiet to tense.
Trauma centre:
The artificial inteligence (AI) is very basic the characters can only interact with each other by having conversations only and they show little or no emotion when the characters do change the emotion they jerk to it and it does not look real.
Resident evil 4:
The AI in resident evil 4 is better than th previous resident evil’s. The enemies are smarter. Their reaction to the player Leon is realistic what will change their reaction to the player will be where and how the player is away from them. If the player close they will try to grab the player, hit them with the weapons they are holding or if they transform the will spit acid at the playr. If the player is a distance from them they will try to throw weapons at Leon, try to shot him and throw dynamite. If the player goes inside a house and blockes th door the villagers will try to break down the door get through the windows and if the player goes on the roof they will pick up ladders and try to knock the player off. What also affects how the AI in the charaters will be if you have Ashley with them or they are Ahsley if so they will try to kindnap her.
There is no similarities between the AI of the games but this is also because of the console its is on.
Trauma centre:
The rewards in the game are surgical tools upgrades, points, a rank, a new place on the map and a new chapater.
Residnt evil 4:
The rewards you get in the game are herbs, fish and eggs for health, ammo, weapons, money and weapon upgrades.
There is one similarity between the games and that is the upgrades.
Trauma centre:
The rules of the game are you can’t let the patient die or let their vitals drop, you need to do the operations in the time limit, you can’t let the GUILT escape in certain missions and can’t let you miss counter drop to zero.
Resident evil:
The rules of the game are you can’t let Ashley die or get kidnapped, you can’t die and you can’t let the virus escape.
The similarities are that you can’t let a person die or let the virus escape.
Trauma centre:
There are many environments but they are all simple and nothing moves in the background such as inside and outside Hope hospital, a surgical room, a city, the suburbs, a plane, africa, a ship and a research lab.
Resident evil 4:
There are many different environments there is a few villages, a castle and the interior, labs, caves, lakes and ponds, forests.
There is a lot of differences between the two environments resident evil’s is better and more detailed where as trauma centred is less detalied and nothing happen in it.
Trauma centre:
The graphics don’t have much of an impact on the game outside of the body. The bodies on the inside how ever look realistic. 3D imagas of the bodies organs with blood and heart beats and you know what organs you are working on. The backdrops and city scapes that are in the cut-scenes and in-betweens look particularly good and are very anime-influenced. Both the 3D city and traditional anime backgrounds look good and the characters pop up and capture the anime-vibe and storyline perfectly with their colourful japanese design.
Resident evil 4:
The graphics in resident evil 4 are realistic and various areas add atmosphere there is a gritty and dirty village, a castle and the interior that shines with brass and marble, in the village farming equipment lie againts the fences and the chickens peck at the ground, while in the labs the white boards have diagrams and equations scribbled on them, while in caves there is bats, lights and drips of water and as for lakes and ponds there is always fish and in a gaigantic lake there is a huge monster fish.
There is not a lot similar but there is the fact there is several different areas with detailed interior. The differenses are how the graphic look this is because of the different console the games are on.
Trauma centre:
The feedback that you get from the game is operation score, vital bouns, time bouns, special bonus, rank, time completed and miss limit.
Resident evil 4:
The feedback you get for the game is hit ratio, enemies killed and the numbers of times you died.
There is no similarities between the games feedback.
confetti questionnaire
Yes No
2) Where did you hear about confetti? (If yes)
Friend collage co-worker advertisement
Leaflet other
3) Are you interested in anything media related (If no)
Yes No
4) Have you ever been to confetti?
Yes No
5) Do you agree that confetti will help young people in the future?
Strongly Agree, Agree disagree strongly disagree
Not sure
the questionnaire i used to find out about confetti (i asked the public)
pokemon ranger game review
The good parts:
A new way of capturing, great use of the touch screen, quests that will keep player occupied for days, different 2D graphics make characters come to life.
The bad parts:
Excess spinning of the stylus may scratch the screen and games explorations are basic
A great new feature is that players can really put the DS screen to a better use that previous Pokémon games for the DS such as ‘Pokémon mystery dungeon.’ Could not. Pokémon ranger requires a hand on approach to capturing them all in this new spin off of the original games. The game has some role-playing elements the same as other Pokémon titles, rather than facing off against a trainer and their Pokémon you only face off against just the Pokémon and capture or defeat them by drawing circles around them as they walk and attack on screen. This new way of capturing Pokémon is better than the traditional throwing poke-balls. Pokémon ranger’s unique touch screen use, bright and colourful 2D graphics, long missions and new use of WI-FI will keep players busy for days.
At the beginning of the game you are asked to be a boy or a girl who reams of becoming a top Pokémon ranger who is admitted into a top ranger academy who keep the peace between Pokémon and humans. At the academy you are given a ‘styler’ the device that you will use to capture Pokémon and temporarily recruit them to your team and use their special abilities in side and out side of battle. During the training you will be shown the ropes by doing small missions. But along the way you’ll be hearing about the no-good go-rock squad they are a rival organisation that are looking for a way exploit the powers of Pokémon by using a machine that is similar to the rangers styler. And like in every Pokémon you will get caught up in their plan and be the one to take them down. Also in every Pokémon game there is plenty to do after players finish the main story.
Completing missions allows players to rise in rank and allow players to have more Pokémon on their team and use their special abilities more often. The games ‘combat’ can’t really be called a fight or a battle but more of a mini game instead because the Pokémon runs around the screen while the player runs rings around it but its easy said than done. There are challenges to it such as weak Pokémon will only need two or three rings where as stronger Pokémon will need more than a dozen rings, players will sometimes need to face several Pokémon at once and Pokémon will try and break the styler’s line while no attack is being made. This can make players scribble at the screen and scratch it in the process all this makes it a solid game.
The idea is to draw circles as fast as possible. As Pokémon bumps the capture line it breaks, the capture will fail and the player will have to try again. As a Pokémon attacks the capture line it breaks and the styler’s energy goes down if the energy goes down to zero then its game over. The styler’s energy level will increase as you capture Pokémon, like health points would in a typical role-playing game. Pokémon ranger is a typical role-playing game by starting off easy and gets harder as the player advances. Players can quickly swirl around a Pokémon and capture them is seconds but others will need patience and skill.
Because of the variety of Pokémon and the variety of different ways of using Pokémon and the capture styler the game stays interesting. The sequences of field-exploration are the same basic types that you see in every Pokémon game caves, forests, rivers seas and lakes. Most if the time the player will need to capture a certain type of Pokémon to get to the next area. Some Pokémon can cut through gates, swim across rivers or even burn down logs. The areas are not bad but not very imaginative and the towns, city’s and buildings are simple.
During the story you’ll travel with a partner Pokémon that will vary if you choose to be a boy your partner will be a Minun if you’re a girl it will be a Plusle these will be with you at all times and help you be stunning a Pokémon. Pokémon ranger is a single-player game offering 15 hours plus of game-play but means that players can’t challenge friends. Some extra missions such as finding every last Pokémon and ranger net offers extra game-play time. Pokémon ranger’s bright and attractive effects bring all characters to life. The graphics are not 3D but the characters are 2D and are nicely animated. Because most Pokémon games use static images the Pokémon all look the same size but in Pokémon ranger Pokémon are shown to scale size like a Pichu would be tiny and a Charazard would be large, also Pokémon in original games did not move around the screen much like in Pokémon ranger the Pokémon are free to move where they like so players can really interact with them and watch them breath fire or shoot electricity. Every Pokémon has a unique sound but the sound effects are not very impressive and its audio is basic like the audio out of the game boy games. As for replay ability I would say maybe but the story does not change and the challenges are all the same.
The capturing of different Pokémon requires different strategies it’s easier said than done. Once you have caught a Pokémon and used its abilities you have to let it go meaning its not as involving as other games and you don’t keep a large collection of Pokémon like in traditional games. The theme to the game is different because instead of the original fight gym leaders and get badges to be the best Pokémon master you are more of a nature loving peacekeeper.
In conclusion I think that Pokémon ranger is a unique spin off with plenty of challenges and a chance for a sequel its defiantly worth a pick up.
Monday, 15 December 2008
Animation review
I used motion to make my animation project. My animation project is a ball bouncing off the walls, changing colours, stopping in the middle of the screen, being stretched and then exploding. My animations strong points would be the sound effects. My animations weak points would be how simple it is and how it changes colours randomly. How I created my animation project was I started off with a storyboard with just a ball for an idea, then I decided what that ball would do so I thought of it bouncing off the walls, then I though that is was to simple so I needed it to so some thing different so I thought of it stretching in the middle of the screen, I still wanted it to do some thing else so I thought of it being a balloon popping when being stretched. And drew all this down and described simply what it was doing. I thought it needed to do something else well it was bouncing so I thought I’ll make it change colours when ever it hit the walls but it did not go the way I wanted it to so I just recorded it changing colours randomly so it flashed different colours while moving around the screen and when it is being stretched. Then after it had been stretched I wanted it to burst so at the end of the animation of it being stretched I pressed the end button so the animation stopped and then I went on to effects and chose a small fire works display effect clicked and dragged it on to the animation at the end where the ball finishes so it looks like it has popped. Then I needed sound effects I went on to soundtrack pro and loaded up my animation I played and paused the ball when ever the ball touched the walls and pressed the mark button to mark it with a courser so I knew where to put the sound effects. I used the sound of a basketball where the ball hits the walls, I did the same when adding a weird whopping sound for the ball when it stretches, and finally I used a fireworks sound where the ball bursts. My other ideas were a person dancing but that was too complicated and the other idea was a person playing football but this was complicated as well so I did the bouncing ball as my final project. My final project is a flashing ball bouncing around the screen with the sound of a basketball when it hits the walls, a whopping sound when it is being stretched and a sparkly fireworks explosion and firework sound effect for when it bursts.